A Sneak Preview of Medea Redux
In June of 2021, Medea Redux , a Sneak Preview premiered online in “The Greek Play Project 2021”, under the auspices of the National Theatre of Greece and The Greek Play Project New York. The festival featured contemporary stagings, adaptations, and riffs on classic Greek dramas, all online due to the pandemic. For Medea Redux, I co-composed music with Brooklyn-based vocalist Deborah Latz for Director Helen Richardson’s text. I also did the sound design and mixing for our video production.
Medea Redux is a retelling of Euripides’ Medea, the gruesome tale of Medea’s revenge on her unfaithful husband Jason (of Argonaut fame). In Medea Redux, the story is retold, questioned and debated by the servants of the household, shining a light on how women are treated by society and cultures throughout history, and highlighting the precarious place of refugees through the strange appearance of Mariika, who is ostensibly from Medea’s homeland.